American Bible Society
Bible Distribution
Bible Distribution

Distributing God’s Word where it is needed most

In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commands his disciples, “Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples.” And one way the Great Commission is carried out is by distributing God’s Word where it is needed most—both in the United States and around the world.

Through support from generous financial partners and partnership with fellow Bible Societies and organizations around the world, the vision of American Bible Society’s founding fathers —that “the earth will be as full of the knowledge of the Lord’s glory as the seas are full of water” (Habakkuk 2:14)— is bearing fruit.


United States: The average American household owns more than one Bible. Yet Bible engagement in the United States has been steadily declining for years. Americans need targeted, relevant resources to prompt them to dust off their Bibles and engage with God’s Word.

World: Around the world Bible translators are working to reach the 180 million people with no access to Scripture in their heart language. But after the massive efforts of Bible translation are complete, how will God’s Word reach the eyes, ears and hearts of all waiting Christians? What can ensure that they will be able to access or afford the book they’ve waited a lifetime for?


United States: In America, our financial partners make it possible to respond to the needs of U.S. cities by providing custom Scripture resources for churches, faith movements and large cultural events, such as the World Meeting of Families. In the wake of national tragedies, such September 11th and Hurricane Katrina, timely and relevant Scripture Portions provide comfort and hope. Digital Bible apps and thematic online Scripture Journeys provide a way for people to search for answers to their deepest questions in God’s life-changing Word.

World: Around the world, American Bible Society’s financial partners support Scripture distribution projects organized by our on-the-ground partners from United Bible Societies. Because our financial partners help subsidize the cost of printing and distributing Bibles around the world, we help ensure that paper Bibles are affordable or free to those who need God’s Word most. And through the Digital Bible Library, an online repository of hundreds Scripture translations, people from around the world can access God’s Word in their heart language through a digital devide. In a world where more people own a mobile phone than a toothbrush, digital distribution of the Bible has never been easier—even in remote depths of the Amazon rainforest.

Icon of a stopwatchQuick Facts

160 million

full Bibles distributed by United Bible Societies from 2010-2014

428 million

Scripture Portions distributed by United Bible Societies in 2014


growth in full Bible distribution by United Bible Societies from 2010-2014


grown in Scripture Portion distribution by United Bible Societies from 2010-2014

Icon of hands prayingPrayer Points

  • Please pray that God would guide protect our ministry partners as they work to share Scripture with those who need it most.

  • Pray that in the wake of national tragedies, God’s Word would provide healing and hope to those who suffer.

  • Ask God to expand digital distribution of Scripture--especially in regions of the world where physical printing is difficult and expensive.

Photo Credits:

Dag Smemo