American Bible Society
Nida Institute
Nida Institute

Nida Institute Staff

Phillip Towner

Dean and Executive Director of the Nida Institute, Co-Director of the Nida School of Translation Studies

Dr. Towner is both a biblical and a translation scholar, with extensive experience as a translation consultant in Southeast Asia and the Americas. He holds several visiting lecturer positions in Europe, including at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. Prior to assuming leadership of the Nida Institute, he served as Director of Translation Services for the United Bible Societies, managing a team of professionals who oversaw hundreds of translation projects worldwide. Dr. Towner is also an active author and editor; his publications include “The Letters to Timothy and Titus” (NICNT; Eerdmans, 2006) and “Hearing Voices: The Foreign Voice of Paul under the Stress of Contemporary English Localization” (Wipf & Stock, 2011).

James Maxey

Associate Dean of the Nida Institute, Dean of Faculty for the Nida School of Translation Studies

Dr. Maxey has been involved in translation work in Africa for more than 20 years. His research interests include performance and translation, as well as cultural studies. In addition to numerous journal articles, he is the author of “From Orality to Orality: A New Paradigm for Contextual Translation of the Bible” (Wipf & Stock, 2009) and co-editor of “Translating Scripture for Sound and Performance: New Directions in Biblical Studies” (Wipf & Stock, 2012).

Roy E. Ciampa

Manager of Biblical Scholarship and Integrated Training at the Nida Institute

Dr. Ciampa previously served as Professor of New Testament and Chair of the Biblical Studies division at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, where he was on faculty for 13 years. Previously, he lectured in theological schools in Portugal for a decade and collaborated with the Bible Society of Portugal in the revision of its contemporary translation of the Bible. He is a co-author of the “First Corinthians for the Pillar New Testament Commentary” series (Eerdmans, 2010), as well as the author of “The Presence and Function of Scripture in Galatians 1 and 2” (Mohr Siebeck, 1998) and numerous scholarly articles and essays.