American Bible Society
Trauma Healing
Trauma Healing

What is trauma?

Some experiences
in life are so painful,
they cause deep and lasting suffering.
That suffering is what
we call “trauma.”

Trauma is a deep wound of the heart and mind that takes a long time to heal. It hurts every part of us: our relationships, our bodies, our thoughts, and our faith.

When we have experienced trauma, we are overwhelmed with intense fear, helplessness, and horror in the face of death, serious injury, abuse, any forced sexual activity, etc. Trauma is how the event affected us.

Suffering is part of the human experience, in every age and in every part of the world. We are all vulnerable to trauma.

But God is with everyone who suffers.
God feels our pain with us,
and God wants to help us heal.

Icon of a stopwatchQuick Facts


people have encountered God's Word through Trauma Healing Groups


Trauma Healing facilitators have been trained to help others heal in Bible-based small groups


organizations have used the Trauma Healing program


translations of Trauma Healing materials have been completed for people around the world


countries have active Trauma Healing ministries

Icon of hands prayingPrayer Points

  • Pray that God would strengthen and equip Trauma Healing facilitators who are leading Healing Groups for people with wounded hearts.

  • Ask God to protect our Bible Society partners as they bring healing to the most vulnerable populations around the world, especially in places where pandemic cases are on the rise.

  • Lift up churches and organizations who are starting new Trauma Healing ministries, that God would bring growth and funding.